If you happen to have a 2.4GHZ Wi-Fi Parabolic dish antenna you can easily modify it to receive the GOES Weather Satellites plus any other sats in the frequency range. The GOES satellites are geostationary and these dishes work great to receive them. The modification only requires you to space the reflector 25mm further away. This is a easy task if have a 3D printer with the file provided but can also be done with a piece of PVC pipe that will fit over the mount and cut to 37mm.
Materials Needed
- 1 – M3 x 30mm machine screw if your reflector has a machine screw or #4 x 1-1/4 sheet metal screw if it threads into the plastic.
- A 3D printer with PETG or outdoor safe filament.
- If no 3D printer then 37mm of 3/4″ PVC pipe.
Download the following file and print it.
The file can also be found on Thingiverse
Start off with removing the single screw holding the reflector to the antenna. Then take your longer screw and thread it through the reflector and the standoff like so

You are now ready to reattach it to the antenna.

Tada you now have a 1.7GHz ish parabolic dish that can receive GOES Weather Satellites with good signal strength.
If you do not have a 3d printer you can still do this with a piece of 3/4″ PVC pipe cut to 37mm in length. Follow the same as above but replacing the 3D print with the PVC pipe using the same longer screw. make sure the pipe sits over the old mount sitting flush with the black housing.